The House Foreign Affairs Committee is a Masterclass on Bipartisanship The House Foreign Affairs Committee is a Masterclass on Bipartisanship

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) prove that when it comes to foreign policy, partisanship ends at the water’s edge.

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Morocco to Normalize Ties With Israel Morocco to Normalize Ties With Israel

Morocco becomes the fourth Middle Eastern nation in the past four months to sign a peace accord with the world’s only Jewish state.

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MI Lawmaker Removed From Committees After Threats Against Trump Supporters MI Lawmaker Removed From Committees After Threats Against Trump Supporters

Democratic state Rep. Cynthia Johnson of Michigan has lost her committee assignments and may face “further disciplinary action”.

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The NBA Learns the High Cost of Doing Business in China The NBA Learns the High Cost of Doing Business in China

A year after falling afoul of the Chinese Communist Party for a Hong Kong support tweet, the NBA is finally back in China. What have we learned?

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Lawmakers Clash Over Calls to Pardon Edward Snowden Lawmakers Clash Over Calls to Pardon Edward Snowden

To some, he is an American hero. To others, he is a traitor.

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Trump Gets His Holiday Miracle Trump Gets His Holiday Miracle

Confounding his critics in the press, Operation Warp Speed has delivered on Trump’s promise of a vaccine by the end of the year.

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Overcrowded Prisons Should Get Priority Vaccine Distribution Overcrowded Prisons Should Get Priority Vaccine Distribution

It might not be popular, but the alternative might be worse.

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Pete Buttigieg to be Nominated as Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to be Nominated as Transportation Secretary

If confirmed, Buttigieg will become the second openly LGBTQ person in history to serve in a presidential cabinet.

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David Versus Google David Versus Google

A coalition of 38 states has filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google. Is it too late to tame tech’s Goliath?

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