Only You Can Stop Corporate Virtue-Signaling Only You Can Stop Corporate Virtue-Signaling

Which is cheaper: Cleaning up environmentally unsound and unscrupulous business practices or making a woke tv commercial?

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Celebrity Democrats are a Liability Celebrity Democrats are a Liability

If Celebrities are for us, who can be against us?

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All the Presidential Turkeys All the Presidential Turkeys

Meet the real stars of Thanksgiving.

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The Dalai Lama Trick The Dalai Lama Trick

How to recognize your kinship with all human beings in one easy step this holiday season.

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Gov. Murphy Gives a Masterclass in Thanksgiving Civility Gov. Murphy Gives a Masterclass in Thanksgiving Civility

After he and his family were heckled at a restaurant this week, New Jersey’s Governor demonstrates how to take the high road and why it matters.

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Is it Time to Regulate the Social Media Giants? Is it Time to Regulate the Social Media Giants?

The law of unintended consequences is accelerated in the Information Age.

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Saudi Arabia’s City of the Future Saudi Arabia’s City of the Future

Dreaming the impossible dream: A 10,000 square-mile mega-city, with flying cars and an artificial moon, powered by renewable energy.

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Has Hollywood Squandered its Soft Power? Has Hollywood Squandered its Soft Power?

Outspoken progressive celebrities can’t quite cover up the dark illiberal heart of Hollywood.

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Saudi Arabia’s Big Power Play Saudi Arabia’s Big Power Play

How the conservative Middle Eastern heavyweight is hedging its bets on a Biden administration.

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