The Morality of What Works The Morality of What Works

In a nation as ethically diverse as the U.S., how should the government make moral decisions?

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President Provocateur President Provocateur

Unpredictable U.S. President Donald J. Trump closes 2018 amid all the usual uproar and outrage.

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Holiday Hypocrisy and Handwringing Holiday Hypocrisy and Handwringing

Hypocrisy, handwringing and a willingness to let Trump be the bad guy.

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In the U.S., collective heads are spinning over good, old-fashioned spin.

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How to Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste How to Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste

The Unhinging of America: Hyperbole is poison; Nuance is the antidote.

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Trump is Right About Syria Trump is Right About Syria

When to hold ’em and when to fold ’em.

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Redeeming 2018 Redeeming 2018

2018 was tumultuous, but it wasn't a total loss.

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A New Year’s Resolution for Democrats A New Year’s Resolution for Democrats

Will 2019 be the year Democrats stop eating their own?

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A New Year’s Resolution for the Media A New Year’s Resolution for the Media

Will 2019 be the year the U.S. media stops entertaining people with what they want to hear and tries being relevant again?

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