Sexism in the Media v. Ivanka Trump Sexism in the Media v. Ivanka Trump

For the way Presidential Advisor Ivanka Trump is treated in the press, members of the left-leaning media should be ashamed of themselves.

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U.S. Economy Booming Under Trump U.S. Economy Booming Under Trump

The November jobs report is more good news for Americans, but no one in the new optics economy seems very happy about it.

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The Long Game Genius of Nancy Pelosi The Long Game Genius of Nancy Pelosi

The once and future Speaker of the House has been carefully orchestrating her rise to the gavel since long before the 2018 mid-term election.

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The Press Fix is In. But Is it Working? The Press Fix is In. But Is it Working?

Just when a Trump victory on prison reform seems imminent, Democrats in the press decide that the FIRST STEP Act is bad optics for 2020.

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Rebranding Republicans Rebranding Republicans

Redeeming conservatism in the optics economy.

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Rebranding Border Security Rebranding Border Security

Rebranding Border Security

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The Mysterious Case of Jasmin Parawan The Mysterious Case of Jasmin Parawan

Meet one of the many people who are exploiting holes in the U.S. healthcare system and defrauding Medicare out of more than $100 billion a year.

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Fake News is for Everyone Fake News is for Everyone

Why you should be reading fake news right now.

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Incarcerated-Americans Catch a Break Incarcerated-Americans Catch a Break

Three-Strikes, the First Step Act and the law of unintended consequences.

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