Trump or Double Income Tax? Trump or Double Income Tax?

Far-left liberal promises and their trillion dollar price tags have American tax-payers between a rock and Donald Trump.

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Trumpian Dynasty or Dystopia? Trumpian Dynasty or Dystopia?

Two polarized fantasy worlds, worlds apart.

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Has Pelosi’s Impeachment Gambit Already Paid Off? Has Pelosi’s Impeachment Gambit Already Paid Off?

Has Pelosi’s Impeachment Gambit Already Paid Off?

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Who You Gonna Believe: Democrats or Your Lying Eyes? Who You Gonna Believe: Democrats or Your Lying Eyes?

Undecided voters are not sold on the latest impeachment gambit.

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Was Biden the Real Target of the Ukraine Whistleblower Complaint? Was Biden the Real Target of the Ukraine Whistleblower Complaint?

Trump won’t be removed from office, but Biden has been effectively torpedoed as the Democratic frontrunner.

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Rising Star Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Rising Star

Could Warren win it all?

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Following the Money: Is Impeachment a Winner for Democrats? Following the Money: Is Impeachment a Winner for Democrats?

The third-quarter 2019 campaign fundraising numbers are in: Great news for Donald Trump.

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Return Batman! Return Batman!

The latest Batman movie is a dark turn in the worst possible direction: An obvious attempt to cash-in on mass casualty violence in America.

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You Say Tomato, I Say Tomahto You Say Tomato, I Say Tomahto

Ukraine and Impeachment: A modern political thriller open to interpretation.

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