Who Is More Powerful: Donald Trump or Mark Zuckerberg? Who Is More Powerful: Donald Trump or Mark Zuckerberg?

That this is even a question proves capitalism distributes power much better than communism.

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“Ilhan Omar Stole My Husband.” “Ilhan Omar Stole My Husband.”

Her latest scandal further demonstrates that Rep. Ilhan Omar is a poisoned pill Democrats have swallowed hook, line and sinker.

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How to Deal With Trump Rage How to Deal With Trump Rage

In one easy step.

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Can Democrats Afford to Play it Safe With Joe Biden? Can Democrats Afford to Play it Safe With Joe Biden?

Ships may be safe in the harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.

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Why China’s Social Credit System Should Scare You Why China’s Social Credit System Should Scare You

“If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.”

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The Democrat Early Warning System The Democrat Early Warning System

Red lights are flashing for the Democratic Party. Will the progressive left respond before the unthinkable happens?

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Twitter Killed the Comedy Star Twitter Killed the Comedy Star

Comedy is a casualty of the culture wars which shall be deeply missed.

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Rise of the Hard-Line Progressive Rise of the Hard-Line Progressive

The Justice Democrats are moving to unseat moderate House Democrats. It’s a risky move in Trump’s America. Will it pay off?

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The Long Moral Arc of the Unknown The Long Moral Arc of the Unknown

Why unbiased journalism matters.

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