Season’s Greetings, America! Season’s Greetings, America!

(Or Happy Independence Day, if you prefer.)

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Why Democrats Will Lose in 2020 Why Democrats Will Lose in 2020

In a poker game, the player who wins doesn’t play the hand they are dealt: They play their opponent’s hand.

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Our Country, Right or Wrong Our Country, Right or Wrong

The words of Woodrow Wilson as he addressed the nation on July 4, 1914 are more important than ever in the age of Donald Trump.

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Salute to a Divided America Salute to a Divided America

Progressives made much ado about nothing.

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Media Elites Must Start Taking Working-Class Voters More Seriously Media Elites Must Start Taking Working-Class Voters More Seriously

Doing otherwise is costing Democratic candidates in the polls.

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But They Started It But They Started It

Has political discourse devolved into a playground argument of whataboutism?

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Crowd Wisdom or Mob Mentality? Crowd Wisdom or Mob Mentality?

Should freshmen House Democrats listen to Democratic House leadership and Speaker Nancy Pelosi or Twitter?

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Democratic House Leadership Forced to Set Social Media Standards Democratic House Leadership Forced to Set Social Media Standards

This is why we can’t have nice things.

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Now Firing: Opinion Columnists Now Firing: Opinion Columnists

Now hiring: Journalists who want to report the news without inserting their personal bias.

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