We Will Never Be Safe Again* We Will Never Be Safe Again*

*Because we were never safe in the first place.

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Beat the Covid-19 Summertime Blues: Grow a Garden Beat the Covid-19 Summertime Blues: Grow a Garden

Our favorite summer pastimes won’t be happening this year: Why not learn to grow your own food? It’s a time-tested method for outdoor stress relief.

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A Living History Memorial Day A Living History Memorial Day

Amid a global pandemic, in a changing world, we remember those who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice.

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Is No Conservative News, Good News? Is No Conservative News, Good News?

In reporting everything from a liberal perspective, media outlets keep missing important stories. Is this really helping elect Democrats?

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China’s Influence Over the WHO Endangers Global Health China’s Influence Over the WHO Endangers Global Health

When it should have been protecting public health worldwide, the WHO was protecting the Chinese Communist Party.

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Covid-19 Has Been Terrible for the Environmental Movement Covid-19 Has Been Terrible for the Environmental Movement

Littering is back. Single-use plastics are back. Mass transit is out of vogue. And the scientific models were all wrong.

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Gandhi’s Letter to Adolf Hitler Gandhi’s Letter to Adolf Hitler

“You are leaving no legacy to your people of which they would feel proud. They cannot take pride in a recital of cruel deed, however skillfully planned.”

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Riots Will Re-Elect Donald Trump Riots Will Re-Elect Donald Trump

Want to see a stampede to the political party promising law and order? Historically, the world over, violence makes voters more conservative.

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Is Voting By Mail a Good Idea? Is Voting By Mail a Good Idea?

“Paper ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud.” — Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY)

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