Hollywood Presents: The News! Hollywood Presents: The News!

Donald Trump is firing appointed subordinates, not killing them. But headlines twisted by hyperbole are killing journalism.

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Earth to Democrats, Come In Democrats Earth to Democrats, Come In Democrats

It’s time for Democrats to stop burning Trump in effigy and return to reality.

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Don’t Tell Us How to Make Watches Don’t Tell Us How to Make Watches

Transforming business culture to harness the power of creative thought.

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Trump Has Been Nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize Trump Has Been Nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize

And other unbelievable but true tales.

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Should Democrats Risk Turning Sanders into a Progressive Martyr? Should Democrats Risk Turning Sanders into a Progressive Martyr?

The Democratic Party’s attempts to thwart Bernie Sanders might backfire spectacularly and win even more votes for the cause.

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The Opposition Party Opinion Line The Opposition Party Opinion Line

Torching political opponents has been elevated to a fine art in the Information Age. But are we mistaking opposition party opinions with fact?

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Goodbye, Madame President Goodbye, Madame President

Sen. Elizabeth Warren fails to win even her own home-state on Super Tuesday and her campaign is probably over.

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The Death of the Political Legacy The Death of the Political Legacy

The grandson of George H.W. Bush was defeated on Super Tuesday- in Texas. Is this the end of legacy politicians?

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Sky-Is-Falling Routine Getting Old Sky-Is-Falling Routine Getting Old

Why are CNN and the NY Times scaring voters about coronavirus on the front page but reassuring investors in the financial section?

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